Wednesday 17 September 2014


Apparently that is the new start to my day. It's the time when I wake up needing to pee, or wake up thirsty and needing to grab a drink. It's also the time littlest usually wakes for his through-the-night feed. Today, I managed to hold off the trip to the loo to get him fed. After he'd passed out I successfully (or so I thought) traipsed through to do whatever little girls do in the bathroom when they've had 2 kids and it can't wait til morning. Just. Sat. Down. and I hear the dulcet tones of my three and a half month old complaining because his squishy milk-scented hot water bottle isn't within reach.

Le sigh.

Took me half an hour of huggling and snuggling and wrapping him in his quilt downstairs to get him back off to sleep. He's snoring in his bouncer now, but I'm nowhere near that. No, I'm awake.

Planning phone calls (to HMRC), planning more phone calls (to the doctor's office), planning yet more phone calls (this time to KLM to see if we can pre-book specific seats for our flights in December yet)... Fixing a glitch on my website (it obviously isn't generating enough traffic - it was a doozy yet I found it myself rather than have anyone whisper the fault to me by email). I'm also going to be scheduling a ton of posts on Facebook and sharing the page and website some more to ensure a steady stream of income from the business. Then, I have me a bunny to finish main construction on and a snowman to start.

Having my hobby as my business is a good thing, it's helping keep me sane because it forces me to find the time to do stuff that isn't MOM stuff. It forces me to do things for... ME. If I hadn't gone all registered and stuff, I wouldn't feel compelled to do that, and my life would be all about the kids and the house and the cooking and the laundry, 5 minutes here and there for smoochies with my husband (if he's lucky) and the rest of the time spent on Facebook on my phone whining to my friends about how I don't seem to have my own identity any more. This way I get enforced time for me, which is what my shrink prescribed earlier in the year anyway. Sadly, it doesn't help with containing the shouty lady who lets rip when small people do things that come naturally to small people but which big people find annoying and/or stress-inducing. That, I have to wait for a referral to fix (hence one of my phone calls to make later today).

Ciao for now.

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