Thursday 20 July 2017

Oh Chester.

In the end, it doesn't even matter.

Every time I hear of another life lost to suicide it makes my heart ache. I've been there, tried to do that, twice. I've felt the gut-wrenching pain in my mind and just wanted it to please stop. I've felt like a burden on others, felt like they would honestly be in a better position without me. I've felt it since, but not so intensely that I would attempt it again. I have better ways to manage now than a lot of people who have felt the same. Or maybe it's just because of how I think. But every time I hear about another soul lost to suicide, it makes me grieve a little, makes me consider how the lives of those I love would be different. And that's not to guilt people into not doing it, it's just my own reflection. I hurt to think that another person has gone through that thought process, come to that conclusion, made that decision and acted on it.

Goodnight, Chester.

Saturday 15 July 2017

Days like these I really hate people.

Today I was referred to as denser than a black hole for defending the rights of a woman to simply exist how she is. I've also been called an idiot for saying that there are people who negate the importance of feminism simply because they are not educated on what feminism is.

Both of these things seem like no-brainers to me. Treat people with respect - that means equality, for everyone. Just because a woman doesn't look like you want them to look doesn't mean they are not deserving of a career, of living their life, of having love and a family. If they stand up for themselves, it is only because there is something to stand up FOR, because they have had enough of being torn down, of being seen as "less than". Fuck you and your asinine assumptions, your prejudice. And surely if you know the definition of feminism - the dictionary definition of the word - you can't be against it, or see that it's not important? Equal fricking rights! Same opportunities whether you've a dick or not! Same pay for the same work done! If you are against that, then you need to stay the fuck away from me.

I've also been screamed at because I filled a 7oz bottle to only 5oz and because I insisted on the dinnertable being cleared prior to dinner being served.

Fuck this shit. Fuck today.