Saturday, 30 August 2014

WTB structure.

Now that my little hobby is about to become officially "work"", I need to structure things a little better. I need to spend some time updating the (separate) blog, the website, Facebook, Folksy; I need to spend some time creating stock, orders and speculative pieces; and I need to spend some time on... ugh... paperwork.

So my plan... ha, my plan. My plan will likely go out the window within a week. MY PLAN! is to sacrifice sleep if needed to get this all done. Not the best plan, granted, but we shall see how it goes. Certain things I can do when the baby is awake, and certain things I cannot. Planning, typing, most things that involve computer things I can do with a baby sleeping or feeding on me. So these are the things that will take priority when TODDLER=ASLEEP AND BABY=AWAKE. If a situation occurs where TODDLER=ASLEEP AND BABY=ASLEEP then I go straight to the practical stuff - making things!!! If both are awake then I've basically no hope of being any kind of business productive, so I'll wear the baby, stick the toddler in the high chair/garden and concentrate on house stuff. Yeah, that'll work, right?

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Busy Bee.

Since starting the process to make The Unloveables a genuine enterprise I have been almost literally run off my feet. The toddler is delightful but too clever by half and finds a new way to get to things we previously regarded as "safe" each and every day. The baby is gorgeous but poops an awful lot and recently it's become too voluminous for his diapers which has caused me much personal grief and discomfort (though thankfully it's all been private). The housework... meh, that can wait (she says, thinking about the SIX loads of laundry waiting to be folded upstairs on the bed).

I've had some orders for my beasties which I've been happy enough to do as they've enabled me to try and cost them a bit more accurately, but my customer was SO happy with what I presented her with that I got a HUGE order the next day from her, and that's when I realised how many spaces I could comfortable afford to promote in my books for custom orders. Yikes! Because although the toddler goes to sleep sweet as a nut these days, there's no guarantee that the tiny milk vampire will afford me the same courtesy. The UBER upside of the recent busyness is that it has provided another option for my business (see what I did there?) insofar as there may be a collaboration in the future between me and a lady who does hand stamped jewellery! Exciting times :D

Not so exciting is the paperwork. I am now covered for oddles in terms of liability insurance, and I have a small earnings exemption certificate for NI contributions, so I'm not going to get in trouble there. I now need to go over my paperwork for HMRC (*gulp*) and make sure everything is in order.

Then I make some things to put in my new (and as yet unstocked) Folksy store, and give WordPress one last-ditch try before having to go with an alternative platform to host my website (coming sooooon).

Not related to business - renewed our car insurance. Fully comprehensive was CHEAPER than 3rd party only. Go figure!