Sunday 23 February 2014

The dreaded Glucose Tolerance Test. Ugh.

I have my 2 hour GTT tomorrow, which means no food or drink or antacids from midnight tonight. I'm hoping that, because I had lost a lot of weight prior to getting pregnant this time around PLUS the fact that I'm eating a (mostly) healthier diet will mean that I'm not developing Gestational Diabetes this time around. Then again, not losing weight from morning sickness in the first trimester has meant I've already gained MORE weight at 25 weeks than I did by 40 weeks with Taylor. Fail.

It's not a train smash if I do have it, but it certainly puts a dampener on my Chocolate Nesquik and Frosties habit.

On the plus side, wee man will be at his Grandad's tomorrow whilst I'm sitting in the room with half a dozen other hungry hormonal women, and whilst they will be fighting over the remote control, I can just sit there, with my knitting, and just work away until the blood draw at 11am. Very productive. I might even just get the rest of that sleeve finished, if I don't cock it up in the meantime. 

The rest of the week is fairly busy in one respect or another - wee man overnighting with Grandad Tuesday onto Wednesday because hubby has a bloody early start on the Wednesday morning as he's been called to Stirling for the day; then on Thursday I've got a midwife appointment to discuss the happenings behind Taylor's birth (because I was so doped up on morphine I missed half of it) and what we can do to have a happier time of Minion's; then Friday we have the weekly shop to do and then I'm offski to see my bezzie for an hour or two just after lunch for a wee catch-up and to see what cute things she's been making - she, of course, is the pint-sized genius behind Becazzled :D

And in between all THAT I have stock to make for my own little page, including baby bunnies for Easter. There's a steady trickle of business coming in, which I'm happy with. Don't want to be run off my feet, but still need that tiny stream of income to pay for my own personal yarn habit. If things are still going well come April, I will probably take the plunge and declare myself self-employed, even though it means paperwork of complicatedness and whatnot, plus an extended break whilst Minion makes a baby-shaped dent in our lives. There's only so much you can do as a hobby before it becomes "Income", after all.

That's all for now. If I have GD, you'll hear about it on Tuesday, most likely. FX'd?

Friday 14 February 2014

Going in the right direction!

The house will sell for what we need it to sell for, just waiting on the finalisation of offers, paperwork and formalities etc. This will mean we can pay off some debts and get to Zim for a holiday this year, wooooo! Though, travelling with two small people will be a very VERY new thing and I'm not entirely sure we'll get through it in one piece! The trick might be who we fly with more than anything. Better to get lost in Amsterdam than Nairobi.

It might also mean getting a place of our own, mortgaged and everything. But I'm not counting chickens, I don't know what the process of getting a mortgage involves or even if we will be eligible. That talk with the banks might have to wait until after April, once payments have cleared, tax things have been reassessed etc.

On the Unloveables front, I've reached a little milestone (200 genuine Facebook likes, wooooo!) and I'm running a wee competition to celebrate. I'm hoping to generate some more custom but in the same breath hoping that things don't get SO busy that I struggle to cope with everything else that's going on. I've tried to do too much at once before and it was soul-destroying! Things I would have been able to cope with as a singleton are just no longer feasible as a wife, housekeeper and mother. 

I'm also going to have to extend the deadline on my bike challenge until possibly September 2014. I was all set to finish in good time (well before Christmas) when I got pregnant. I have SPD and it makes even walking a difficult task some days, never mind the pressure that a cycle seat puts on your pelvis, ouchies! I have such a short distance left to go, but I can't get it done without risking damaging my health. The physio warned me that if I didn't start taking it easy I'd end up in a wheelchair by the end of the pregnancy. Well, that's gonna work out just fine in our 2-up 2-down, isn't it! Not. So I'm listening to her and trying my best not to overdo things whilst at the same time doing what I can and what needs to be done. The upside is that I know the pain will go away when the Minion is born, so I can carry on again after that, timing things in nap times and at bedtime. In theory. I hope the kids nap at the same time. God, is that naive or what?

And Happy Dead Anglican Dude Day, to those that get sucked in by the commercial and overpriced hokey of it. Not that I'm judging, I've just never really been that into it, mostly due to a chronic history of being single.

Saturday 8 February 2014


Seems the measure we'd put in place to disguise the noises from next door have gone from soothing to irritating Taylor... he started sleeping through the night once we'd turned off his music loop...

Double oops... I forgot to pack a 6+ nappy for night-time and forgot to issue the "no fluids after 7pm unless it's bedtime bottle" order when bub went to stay overnight with Grandad. So... bub woke up between 3 & 4 sopping wet and my poor dad had real trouble getting him back to sleep!

It's been a week of revelations, really. Less audio stimulation through the day and overnight = peaceful baby who CAN actually sleep through all night up to 11 hours straight, in fact! And there was me pulling my hair out at the start of the week because overtired shrieky baby's screams were piercing my head.

Moral of this story - with babies, if nothing is working, CHANGE EVERYTHING and start again.